Hello Gals,
I am sorry that i have not posted much in the last few months but it is that time of year when things get crazy here in the mountford home. With family getting together,work party's,cookie making with family,Christmas cards and i still have my work shops on top of running a house with three kids and one big kid(hubby LOL).
I just wanted to give you all a update on things and post a few photos. Also to say yes i am still here. I did not get a change to make a New punch art set for this month. so i am going to have my snow buddy's as the free punch art for December.
Here are the My Christmas cards for this year. I did three different kind.

Well did any of you go out shopping on back Friday? I did it is a big deal for me and my sister and my niece. We had a great time and i got all my Christmas shopping done in that day. Well i still have hubby and few little things. but for the most part i am done!! We also put up the Christmas tree that weekend. I have few photos to share of the kids putting ornaments on the tree. I just love putting the ornaments on the tree and taken a walk down memory lane.

OK so i said i make cookies with my sisters and dad each year. Well this year my mom,dad and sister Debbie come to my house to make cookies. On top of all them cookies i did a lot of cookies with my hubby that his mom would make when he was younger. I am going to send little care boxes down to his sisters. Here are few photos of the cookies we made.

Well today i had a ornament workshop. We made three ornaments and box to put them in. It was a lot of fun the girls just loved them.
They are so easy to make.
for the ones with the glitter in them you just add a few Drops of Reinker and drop it in the top of the ornament and roll it around till the inside of the ornament is covered with reinker then take some glitter (a color that matches the reinker) and pour some in the top of the ornament and shake it till it covers the ornament. I just love the look of the glitter one.

for the other ones you take a window sheet and emboss a image on it Cut out a 2" circle roll it up and stick it in the top of the ornament. that is it.

Well i hope you all had a great Thanksgiving
Thanks for stopping by,

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